================================= Walks Models in the Quarter Plane ================================= This is a the documentation that can be found inside the code of the package ``comb_walks``. This package offers a unified interface for working with generating functions and related object to Walks in the Quarter Plane. Assume we have a set .. MATH:: \mathcal{S} \subset \{-1,0,1\}^2 \setminus \{(0,0)\} of, so called, valid steps. A walk according to `\mathcal{S}` is a series of points in `\mathbb{Z}^2` `P_0=(0,0), P_1, \ldots, P_n` such that for all `k \in \{1,...,n\}`: .. MATH:: P_n - P_{n-1} \in \mathcal{S}. We also say that the length of such walk is `n`. Let now be `q_{i,j,k}^{\mathcal{S}}` be the number of walks of length `n`that starts at `(0,0)` and ends at `(i,j)`. Consider then the generating function: .. MATH:: Q_{\mathcal{S}}(x,y,t) = \sum_{i,j,k \geq 0} q_{i,j,k}^{\mathcal{S}} x^i y^j t^k \in \mathbb{Q}[x,y][[t]]. This package will allows the user to extract information of `Q_{\mathcal{S}}` providing an easy interface to create Walk models (see class :class:`~comb_walks.walkmodel.WalkModel`). For using this package, use the import command:: from comb_walks import * The use of this package on the main unweighted walks models can be seeing in the `main webpage `_. This code is under the terms of GNU General Public License version 3. This package was partially funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): W1214-N15, project DK15. It was also supported in part by the ANR `DeRerumNatura `_ project, grant ANR-19-CE40-0018 of the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche. comb_walks =========== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 alggeo walkmodel Indices and Tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` * `Results web `_